A list of the best Adobe AIR Applications

Sat, Dec 27, 2008


There would be other complicated software that does the same thing, but AIR is more effective to run a tiny and fast loading application.

This functional Adobe AIR applications list will help web designers to design & develop a better, faster and more organized applications.

Every designer / developer will love this. I bet :)

FYI: Adobe AIR can be downloaded from here.

ConceptShare Desktop Uploader

ConceptShare allows you to setup secure online workspaces for sharing designs, documents and video and invite others to review, comment and give contextual feedback anytime and anywhere without a meeting.

ConceptShare Desktop Uploader 

ConceptShare Desktop enables drag and drop uploading of concepts to workspaces. You can also create new workspaces, manage people and get alerted when someone replies or comments in one of your workspaces.

Google Analytics Reporting Suite

Google Analytics Reporting Suite

The Google Analytics Reporting Suite enables you to use Google Analytics in your desktop.

You can track your visitors, referrals and campaigns, view your AdWords ROI metrics & more.



A beautiful Adobe AIR application for creating desktop gadgets from any part of a website.

Choose any part of the website, select the refresh period & the gadget is created.

How will a web designer use this? For following an ajaxed stats page, following orders of an e-commerce website, etc..

Ora Time & Expense

Ora Time & Expense

An application for tracking times worked on a project, that works with a timer and generates timesheets & expense reports.



This desktop widget keeps track of the time you have spent working on a job or project.

Ok, we are not lawyers but there are freelancers who charge by time. If you don’t, then you can again use it to see howmuch you spend on a job.

FEAT (Freelancer’s Estimation Assistance Tool)

FEAT (Freelancer’s Estimation Assistance Tool)

Most freelancers get lost in the expense-revenue calculations as there is not always a standard price for a project.

This application helps freelancers calculate hourly rates and project pricing estimates.

You can define your expenses like salaries, utilities, tax & mention the profit margin you expect and it gives you the hourly rate you must be charging.

Also, it has a pricing wizard that helps you define a price for a project.



Again, a very simple to-do-list application that reminds you your tasks.

Besides entering, editing & clearing tasks, you can set an alarm for a task and the Doomi can warn you.



Every designer / developer needs a task manager application to get organized better.

If you don’t want a complicated task manager then MiniTask is for you. Just write the tasks, group them with seperators & click the ones you completed. That’s all.

Vertabase Timer

Vertabase Timer

Track time on projects and track time on clients in this free, sleek desktop widget.

Export time reports to XML or CSV for use in other applications (like MS Excel).



This application helps managing projects, keeping track of the tasks & getting reports on them.

With a drag’n drop interface, projects, sub-projects (tasks) can be defined and can be attached to a customer (see WRD post for more details).

Web Snapshot

Web Snapshot

Very nice application for taking snapshots of any webpage.

It enables you to configure the snapshot sizes & lets you choose whether the snapshot be a thumbnail, browser size or the full page.

SearchCoders Dashboard

SearchCoders Dashboard

An award-winning application that connects Flex developers.

Using SearchCoders Dashboard, searching the most valuable source of Flex-related information: the FlexCoders mailing list archive is possible. Besides that, the application connects to the official Flex developers chat.

It has a special code input feature that allows developers to send code to the room without filling up the output area.

Developers can also use the notes and favorites to keep track of valuable FlexCoders threads and blog posts.



Using WebKut, you can take snapshots of an entire webpage, parts of them or a selection.

The tool’s interface helps a lot by showing the size of the area selected, letting the user to choose the image format & quality.



A very simple yet functional & “must use” tool for developers (see WRD post).

Every developer has some favorite libraries, functions & other ready-to-use codes. Using Snippely, you can group, organize & store your code snippets easily.



A pixel ruler that enables you to measure the size of any object..

With browser skins, overlay mode and screen size presets, you can also preview how your design will look in the real environment.

Web & interface designers will love it.

RegExr Desktop


A tool for learning, editing, and testing regular expressions. It is simply a desktop version of the online RegExr application.

It provides a small library for special characters, character classes & more.



PixelPerfect has 1 job to do: measure things on your desktop.

While designing a website or looking for the size of an object in a website, you can run this ruler & that’s it.

Color Picker

Color Picker

Using Color Picker, you can find the values of a color, generate new colors & see your recent color generations.

Icon Generator

Icon Generator

A little application that lets you generate a CS3 or Web 2.0 style icon, in only 3 steps. Pick color, type characters, and save it. Icon is generated in 4 different sizes.

Color Browser

Color Browser

An application for generating & saving color palettes.

It is very handy for creating your own color library & then inspiring from them when needed.

The color palettes can be edited, re-arranged & duplicated too.

COLOURlovers Desktop Color Finder

COLOURlovers Desktop Color Finder

An Adobe AIR interface for reaching the ~1 million named colours & thousands of colour palettes of the colour resource website COLOURlovers (see WRD post).

Kuler Desktop

Kuler Desktop

Browse the color themes in Adobe Kuler, sign in to your account & manage your themes.

Also, import themes from Kuler Desktop directly into Adobe Creative Suite 3 (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop).

Flickr Flipper

Flickr Flipper

Flickr Flipper allows you to search for Flickr photos and also search for photos from specific Flickr users. It uses Papervision to display the photos one at a time and even allows you to download the photo to your computer. Very nice tool for digging photos in Flickr.

Font Picker

Font Picker

Presents you all the fonts installed in your computer & makes font selection easier.

Simply write any text & it will show the text with every font. You can remove the preview of any font via the “X” button or reset the selections.

RichFLV - FLV Editor

RichFLV - FLV Editor

FLV editing is almost a part of the web design process as it is one of the most popular streaming video formats.

Using RichFLV you can edit FLV & MP3 files and export them to some other formats like SWF.

A great feature of the application is merging multiple files.

Em based layouts - Vertical rhythm calculator

Em based layouts - Vertical rhythm calculator

A tool for working out the width of an element in em’s.

It calculates the em of any given px input & presents the output as a CSS property. Very handy for liquid designs.

Shrink O’Matic

Shrink O’Matic

A batch image resizer that can handle JPG, GIF & PNG files.

Images can be resized to a custom size or by a ratio. The output image format, quality & name can also be set.

Please share more tools to enhance this list by posting yourself or mailing at [email protected].



This post was written by:

saif - who has written 231 posts on Greepit.com | Open Source Resources for Designers & Developers.

11 Comments For This Post

  1. Jloa Says:

    Hm… Check this one, guys: http://code.google.com/p/printscreener/

  2. Jloa Says:

    Nice apps, no really they are.
    Btw u can check out my first gadget @ http://code.google.com/p/printscreener/

    Waiting 4 more apps of yours.
    Cheers ^_^

  3. QuakTrailia Says:

    http://greepit.com - cool sitename man)))

  4. risesortomiva Says:

    http://greepit.com - great domain name for blog like this)))

  5. endato Says:

    Огромное человеческое спасбо!

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  9. HalSeals Says:

    У вас RSS в кривой кодировке!

  10. Tanya Says:

    Great list, thank u!!!!!

    Tanya’s last blog post..HOJE: Hora do Planeta

  11. Василий Says:

    Благодарю вам. Ваш сайт это прекрасная возможность найти приятных и начитанных людей, способных к конструктивным обсуждениям и критике. :)

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